NAG Sports Competition

Please see the attached team list and bus information buscalluptrg605F (1) for expected attendance and travel details for Saturday’s Competition. The Warning Order/Rules for the Competition are here: Sports Comp Rules v 16 UPDATED and NAG Sports Comp Warning Order .  You must be logged in to see the attendance list.  Do NOT miss the day – we need everyone out to defend our 2nd place finish last year.

BRING YOUR ONTARIO HEALTH CARD. A photocopy/homemade card with the number is not acceptable.

TIMINGS: Sat, 30 Jan, 16 645am – meet at Sqn HQ Bus will be leaving at 7am. The bus is scheduled to leave the competition at 1630hrs (430pm) from Dunnville. That means we should be back in NOTL by 530pm. You can bring your cellphone to coordinate pick up from the Sqn with your parents/guardians at the end of the day.

DRESS: 809 t-shirt, sports shorts, running shoes. Pants & sweater (809 hoodie) to go over, and 809 Ball Cap. Capt Palumbo will be bringing a few extra shirts, make sure you have one. Email her with the size you need before Fri afternoon if yours needs to be replaced. Bring the $5 to the Sqn next week.

BRING: backpack with snack, water bottle, book/music something to do in between games. Make sure everything is labelled, and don’t bring anything that you would be devastated to lose.

Inter-Flight Sports Competition & Recruiting Night

Join us tonight for our first inter-flight competition. SPORTS! Handball, Volleyball, Soccer.

RECRUITING NIGHT: bring a friend to find out what the Air Cadet program is all about. Their parents are welcome to attend. Social time with pizza for everyone at 8pm. Looking forward to seeing the competition tonight – remember the winning flight earns points toward the Top Flight Award.

Duty Officer
CI Thiffault

Sportswear. No uniforms! running shoes REQUIRED.

Ice Wine Festival Help Today & Next Sunday

As we do every year, Air Cadets have been asked to help retrieve the bottles from the Ice Wine Festival in NOTL both today and next Sunday.

Timings: 5pm

Duties:  load bottles into truck, general clean-up of area

Dress: 809 toque, cadet parka, civilian warm clothing (as per weather)

Mr Hendriks will be meeting the cadets: 24th –  You need to be logged in to view the names. 31st – . We still need 2 more cadets for Sun 31st.

REMEMBER: these hours count toward your High School volunteer hours. Bring in your sheets for Capt Palumbo to sign.


PARENTS: Children’s Tax Credit NEW INFORMATION from CAF

From: Namiesniowski Col CR@VCDS D Cdts & JCR@Ottawa-Hull
Sent: December-08-15 1:00 PM

Subject: Children’s Fitness Tax Credit – Crédit d’impôt pour conditionnement physique des enfants


 To answer a query received from one of the regions on the subject, my staff  has done some research on the Children’s Fitness Tax Credit. Some of the activities offered by the Cadet Program could fall into the category that would be considered as eligible activities. However, in order to be eligible to claim a tax credit, the parent must actually incur expenses for their child to participate.

 Participation in the cadet program is free; parents have no expenses to incur for their child to participate. Although DND does not charge parents for their child to participate, certain Leagues do charge parents for services provided by the League or sponsoring committee.

Since it is DND that delivers the program, services provided by DND are provided without cost to the parents, therefore not eligible for consideration when determining eligibility for their children’s fitness tax credit. The League does not deliver the program to the cadets, any expenses they may charge would not be considered eligible.

RCSUs are to circulate this information down to the corps / squadron level where local commanding officers are to be directed to ensure that all parents are aware of this. Leagues are asked to ensure circulation to their provincial and local organizations. All should be aware of this clarification to avoid any unpleasant verifications with the Canada Revenue Agency.


Pour répondre à une requête reçue de l’une des régions relativement à ce sujet,  mon personnel a entrepris une recherche sur le crédit d’impôt pour la condition physique des enfants.  Parmi les activités offertes par le programme des cadets serait une des catégories qui seraient considérées comme étant des activités admissibles, toutefois pour être admissibles à ce crédit d’impôt, les parents doivent effectivement engager des dépenses pour que leurs enfants participent.

 La participation au programme des cadets est gratuite; les parents ont aucun frais à engager pour la participation de leurs enfants. Bien que le MDN ne facture pas les parents pour la participation de leurs enfants, certaines ligues facturent les parents pour des service fournis par la Ligue ou comité répondant.

 Puisque que le MDN offre le programme, les services fournis par le MDFN le sont sans frais pour les parents, donc pas éligibles pour considération lors de la détermination de l’admissibilité au crédit d’impôt pour conditionnement physique des enfants. Les ligues n’offre pas le programme des cadets et toutes dépenses qu’ils peuvent facturer ne seraient pas considérés comme éligibles.

  Les URS doivent faire circuler cette information jusqu’au niveau des corps/escadrons pour que les commandants reçoivent la direction de s’assurer que tous les parents sont conscients de cela.  Les ligues sont invités à assurer la diffusion à leurs organisation provinciales et locales.  Tous devraient être conscients de cette clarification afin d’éviter des vérifications avec l’Agence du revenu du Canada.

Colonel / Colonel Conrad Namiesniowski, CD

 Deputy Commander, National Cadet and Junior Canadian Rangers Support Group,

Canadian Armed Forces / Tel: 613-992-3382/ CSN: 992-3382

Commandant adjoint, Groupe de soutien national aux cadets et aux Rangers juniors canadiens,

Forces armées canadiennes / Tél. : 613-992-3382/ RCCC : 992-3382

Wednesday Night Training

Duty Officer
Capt Lemoine

C2: All parade positions (Sgt, FSgt, WO2, WO1); C4: Everyone else (LAC, Cpl, FCpl)

Remember: next week is the Inter-Flight Sports Competition & Recruiting Night. Invite a friend out to join you as we get ready to crush the competition at the NAG Sports Comp on Sat 30 Jan 2016. All cadets are invited to attend! We need 7-9 cadets per sport: volleyball, hand ball, indoor soccer. Busing and lunch are provided.

Bottle Drive!

We had our most successful single day bottle drive to date!

All this doesn’t happen without a very dedicated SSC, thank you all for
your great support with this; especially Patricia for organizing the Ads,
newspaper articles and flyers. (thanks also to Kenn for sponsoring one of
the ads).

Big thanks also to our dedicated Staff, we can’t make this happen without
your support.

Great support by so many parents and volunteers who pitched in with
driving, sorting and loading; a real team effort.

Thanks to our Cadets, 100% attendance, and great job by all !!!

All this can’t happen though without our two great anchors for Drop-Offs
and Sorting, the Ruttans and the Vannoorts, this is really not possible
without you and your continued support !!!  So greatly appreciated.

Thanks to All !!!!!

Tony Hendriks
SSC Chairman
809 Newark Squadron

Monday 18 January Training

Monday Night Trg:

Drill Team 7-8pm (bring your wedge and boots)

Sports 8-9pm –> Dress appropriately: want to be on the Squadron Sports Teams for the NAG Sports Competition this month? Come out this week. Volleyball, Handball, Soccer – all the sports we need to practice in order to crush the competition.

LOTTERY TICKETS: do you want to put your name in the draw for two movie tickets (incl. popcorn and drinks)? Then come on by the office and pick up another book of tickets to be sold. For each extra book sold, your name will go into the draw one more time.

Bottle Drive Reminder

Saturday is the our mid-year Bottle Drive (16 Sep 2016) at the VanNoort Greenhouses (on the corner of Hunter and Four Mile Creek Roads) 0900h to 1600h. This is a MANDATORY fund-raising activity for all cadets. In addition, we need as many parent volunteers as possible to drive and sort. Lunch is provided.

Dress: jeans, squadron t-shirt (navy blue with 809 spray painted on it), squadron ball cap or cadet toque, winter boots.