Summer Training NATIONAL COURSE Applications

As per the parent meeting, the deadline for the National Course Applications is 12 DECEMBER 2014. To date, only ONE cadet has submitted any supporting documentation and their narracitve for review.  We are anticipating 7 applicants this year.

ALL of the following documents must be handed in prior to 12 Dec:

  • school transcripts (mandatory) and interim report cards (if available). For cadets in Grade 9, a copy of their Grade 8 final report card with a copy of their Grade 9 interim report card are required.
  • All National Course applications must include a Narrative composed by the Cadet. The Narrative counts for 5% of the Merit List Score for IACE, PPS and GPS, and 10% for AASC, AATC-AO and AATC-AM.
  • Power or Glider Pilot Scholarship candidates without a valid Transport Canada Medical Certificate must book, no later than mid-December, a March 2015 medical exam with a Civil Aviation Medical Examiner in their area.
  • Aircraft Maintenance, Airport Operations, Advanced Aerospace Courses: Two candidates per Squadron may apply. Selection of a second Cadet from your Squadron will only occur after all Squadrons with eligible candidates receive a first selection.
  • height and weight form for Glider applicants
  • IACE and Glider applicants – passport photos. 3 for IACE, 1 for Glider
  • If Cadets apply for more than one National Course, they must submit a separate Narrative for each Course. Specifications: Must be generated by the Cadet without assistance. Presentation in 1-1/2 or double-spaced lines, using an 11 or 12 point, standard business font, 500-600 words. Plain white or cream paper is preferred. Cadet’s rank, given name, surname, and Squadron at the top of the page. His or her signature at the end of the Narrative.
  • NARRATIVE SHOULD INCLUDE THE FOLLOWING: 25% for accomplishments as a Cadet, 50% for understanding of the course content, projecting the value/usefulness of the course to themselves and their Squadron, and articulating their desire to take the course. 20% for extra-curricular activities of the applicant, particularly those that relate to the training and qualifications provided by the course. 5% for presentation and special merit factors.
  • For additional COURSE SPECIFIC requirements, I recommend you read ANNEX A (pg 42 & on) of the National Course Handbook here: 2015 National Courses HB

No late applications will be accepted. Competition for these courses is simply too high to allow cadets to submit late. If you want to go, do the work, apply on time, and with all of your required documents.

Questions? Read the National Course book FIRST, then email Capt Palumbo if you can’t find the answer: